Chris Gonzalez

CRM Strategist

AKA “Golden Gonzalez

Chris knows exactly what it takes to deploy solutions for higher education CRM. Since graduating from Texas State University, he has implemented, integrated, troubleshot, and manipulated various CRM suites. With extensive experience that includes positions at three software vendors, Chris has had the opportunity to work with countless professionals to ensure that their CRM suites function flawlessly.

What do you enjoy most about your position at Spark451 and why?

Our team and clients are phenomenal. Together, we craft sustainable and creative solutions every day.

What do you love most about working in higher education and why?

Hands down the people, as this industry has the friendliest characters I've ever worked with.

When you aren’t busy being a Sparkler, what is something that you like to do and why?

I enjoy snowboarding and cycling. You can find me doing one or the other, depending on the season.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given and why?

Ask for what you want because the worst thing someone can say is “no.”