Jason Jacks
Lead Copywriter
AKA “Jovial Jacks“
This University of Mary Washington Eagle draws on his years of experience as a newspaper reporter and editor to create engaging, substantive copy for Spark’s partner institutions. He also once ate more than 50 tacos in one weekend in Austin, TX.
What do you love most about working in higher education and why?
Higher education touches so many lives in such a positive way. Plus, I get to work with smart and creative people from all corners of the country. That's pretty cool.
How did you choose your profession/why?
I'm a writer, so telling stories is my thing. I also love finding the perfect verb, spot-on metaphor, just-right adjective, etc. The whole process of putting words on paper (or screen) is a blast to me!
What is your favorite quote and why?
Mike Tyson said it best: Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. To avoid getting knocked out, I try to always have a back-up plan.
Which decade do you love the most and why?
Easy. The 80s. The tall hair, DayGlo clothes, synthesizer music. I even loved the super-long phone cords that you wrapped around your finger as you talked for hours on the landline. It was all awesome—or was it rad?