Macrae Robertson

Senior Business Development Strategist

AKA “Resourceful Robertson

Macrae arrived at Spark451 after spending a decade serving her alma mater, Longwood University. She completed both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees there, then began her career handling special projects in the President’s office.

For the next 10 years, Macrae grew in her role as a project manager, data analyst, strategist, marketer, and general jack-of-all-trades, working with the C-suite, enrollment management team, and marketing department.

This wide-ranging experience honed Macrae’s skills and made her ideally suited for her position at Spark451. Her holistic understanding of an institution’s goals and functions, tendency to ask why, and self-proclaimed title of “Data Dork” make all of her partner schools feel as if she is an extension of their own team.

When Macrae is out of the office, she’s likely out of the country. She has already visited more than 30 countries and aspires to see at least 50. But don’t ask her to pick a favorite unless you want to hear what is special about every single one!

What do you love most about working in higher education and why?

My degrees are in education, but I realized too late that it wasn’t the right fit. I love working in higher education because I get to influence a student’s life and success from behind the scenes, without having to be directly in the classroom. Plus, I’m a very middle-brained person and higher ed lets me use analytics to be creative — the best of both worlds!

What higher education industry event do you enjoy most and why?

My favorite day of the year is May 1. It’s incredibly rewarding to see the fruit of years’ worth of engagement turn into a deposit. Each one represents another student who has found their home and a quiet validation for the work we do.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given and why?

My grandpa once told me, “When you have more than you need, build a longer table not a higher fence.” I used to think it was about money or material possessions, but now I understand that it can mean so much more. I’ve also since learned this is a semi-famous quote, but I still give the credit to my grandpa anyway.

What is something most people don't know about you?

I grew up in a farming family. It’s where my work ethic comes from, as well as my love for being outdoors — no matter the weather!