Rebecca Tyner

eMarketing Associate

AKA “Thoughtful Tyner

Rebecca maintains the consistency, accuracy, and effectiveness of our email campaigns to ensure a seamless experience for our partners. Continuous analysis and optimization of campaigns help the schools we work with achieve their goals. She pays attention to every detail, and has a knack for meeting deadlines and delivering measurable results, enabling Spark451 to consistently exceed expectations with strategic email marketing initiatives.

This Elon Phoenix has hands-on experience managing email marketing content, segmentation, and analysis. These experiences have equipped Rebecca with the ability to excel in her current position and deliver high-quality campaigns tailored to each school’s needs. Rebecca is skilled in numerous CRM platforms and has expertise in creating, deploying, and analyzing marketing initiatives, as well as quality assurance checks.

What do you love most about working in higher education and why?

What I enjoy most about working in higher education is the collaboration, fast-paced nature, and new trends and technologies that have a direct impact on shaping the future of education. The sense of purpose in helping meet enrollment goals, coupled with making a difference in students’ lives, makes every project meaningful.

How did you choose your profession/why?

I chose my profession because marketing offers the perfect blend of my greatest passions: creativity, storytelling, and problem-solving. Every brand has a story behind it, and I’m passionate about not only articulating that story, but also creating email campaigns that show that. This profession is a natural fit, where I can leverage my skills to implement change, always do better than yesterday, and help students and institutions achieve their goals.

When you aren’t busy being a Sparkler, what is something that you like to do and why?

When I’m not busy with email campaigns, you’ll find me exploring new hiking trails, trying new restaurants, or bingeing a new show. I also enjoy reading fiction novels, knitting, and photography! I love connecting with nature, staying active, and engaging in creative outlets.

Beach vacation or city vacation and why?

I would choose a beach vacation because I love the soothing sounds of the ocean and collecting seashells along the shore. There's nothing more relaxing than lying out on the beach with a good book while feeling the warmth of the sun and breezy air!