E-mail is the #1 method by which college-bound students prefer for colleges to communicate with them. And while e-mail marketing services abound, Spark451 takes a holistic approach to e-communications, emphasizing strategy, segmentation, personalization and automation.

e-Comm Strategy
While e-mail might be the most preferred method of communications for college-bound students and colleges, the emails still have to be good to get students to pay attention. That’s why all of our e-mail marketing program begin with a sound strategy that involves understanding your audiences, your pillar messages and how the two intersect. Count us to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.
who you are today and who you aim to be in the future.
the differentiating messages that shape your future and determine the most vital touch points.
an architecture for effectively communicating your brand to your various audiences.
creative examples of primary communications applying your brand.
Personalization and conversation
E-mail works when it’s relevant to the recipient. Relevancy requires personalization and to us is a combination of audience segmentation and amazing content that matches their needs and motivations. We’ll start by creating personas, representing the archetypes of individuals who attend your institution and through research understand their motivations and interests to create the most effective messaging and calls to action. Our design and writing teams are at the vanguard of email design and content, and understand that emails are not ads. They are a start of a conversation, and one that can help lead you to your goals.

The Spark451 technology group are leaders in deploying and managing email infrastructure, from our in-house Campaigns451 platform to your own CRM. We handle the technical details such as domain reputation management, using custom domains or your own .edu. The bottom line is that your marketing emails reach the inbox more often and your transaction e-mails arrive in an instant.
Let’s Communicate
Anyone can fire up an instance of MailChimp or Slate, but it takes creativity and discipline to execute a great e-communications plan. Let’s have a conversation.